Welcome to Australia@binamandiri
This is Binamandiri sub-domain site which provides information about working in Australia. This website is directed ONLY for Indonesia applicants who are interested to work to Australia. All information is presented in English, as “Very Good English” is mandatory to work in Australia. If you have difficulty understanding the content of the site, it just means that you need to improve your English skill before you intend to work in Australia.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Job Placement to Australia by BNP2TKI

Recently PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja received many applicants from various places in Java who personally came to our office to seek information about placement to Australia. The information were informed on running text of various TV News in Indonesia that BNP2TKI said Australia needs 1000 Farm workers and the approximate salary is 24 million rupiah. They seek further information to the nearest Disnaker and by Disnaker, they were directed to get more information to PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja.

It is part of PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja's duty to give clear information about work opportunity in Australia so that the applicants can understand the work opportunity.
For background information, we would like to inform the current economy of Australia as follows :
Australia like other Western country currently suffer from Economic Crisis. For all states in Australia only Western Australia can still survive with the crisis as NSW is currently at the edge of bankcruptcy.
Western Australia's economic growth is plunge to -1,25% this year and will be expected to raise up to -0,5% on 2010. The budget will be deficit on 2011 and 2012 for AUD 513 billion and AUD 489 billion respectively. It is predicted between 2009 – 2010 approximately 20 million Australian will be queuing at “DOL” to seek the job. (DOL = Department of Labour)

Referring to BNP2TKI information of work opportunity in Australia, the information was gathered when BNP2TKI conducted a road show to Australia on 13 – 19 July 2009. It is actually true that there is a potential work opportunity in the farm (herd), as the economy strikes Australia, people start to return to open farm again or back to work in farm again.
Unfortunately, any positions in farm ARE NOT AVAILABLE on Australia's Shortage List Skill. A foreigners like Indonesian can work in Australia only if the positions available on Australia Shortage List Skill either State or Federal Shortage List. Under the Australia Shortage List Skill, He or She can apply work visa on 457 Sub-Class Visa Scheme or Skilled Regional Sponsorship Visa (476 Sub-Class Visa).
BNP2TKI is trying to look at other possibility that is Labour Agreement Visa. Under Labour Agreement Visa, the requirements can be decided by both parties, Indonesian Party who deal with recruitment and Australia Party, in this case the requirements can be easier, such as no language requirements, no work experience and etc. Unfortunately to get Labour Agreement, will take unpredictable time to process and large amount of money, as it will involve many negotiations, hearings, discussion, etc... etc and will involve many stakeholders in Australia, such as Parliament, Workers Associations, Business Associations, many government departments, lawyers, solitaire and many others. Binamandiri ever talked with Immigration consultant in Melbourne on last December 2009, and the information received was Labour Agreement since it ever been introduce, only 2 big companies manage to get Labour Agreement, so it is almost impossible if an Indonesian Private Company such Binamandiri, would like to try to get such Labour Agreement. The possibility is only for an Australian Agency to start the process of Labour Agreement if they intend to recruit Indonesians as all negotiations, hearings, and discussion will be held in Australia.

From the above information, We would like to inform to any applicants who wish to work in Australia as follows :
  1. Australia currently in Economic Crisis, and have very high unemployment rate so DIAC have already put some measures to tighten the work visa issue
  2. Under Visa 457 and Skilled Regional Sponsorship Visa (Visa 476), working in Australia is still the hardest thing compare to work other Western Countries, as the applicants has to be able to get IELTS 4,5 – 5,5 and minimum 3 year of work experience
  3. The work opportunity informed by BNP2TKI in Farm is still vague as Labour Agreement takes unpredictable and enormous time and money to process.
  4. It is advise to seek the information directly to BNP2TKI for Australia opportunity which has been proposed in the media, at Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. 52, P. (021) 7901158