Why Australia ?
On the front page is stated that Australia is not considered “Promising Country”, the statement is only for those who is unskilled, inexperienced and has poor English but for those who has the skill, has minimum 3 years of work experience and very good English, surely Australia IS PROMISING COUNTRY.
With only 25 million population and vast area, Australia is facing shortage of manpower to exploit its natural resources and surely to develop and run its economy. Australia is considered one of the advance country in the world, which can provide good salary and good facilities toward its workers. Compare with its neighborhood country, New Zealand, Australia can give higher salary as the GDP also considered the highest, it has warmer climate which more comfortable for Indonesian to adjust and also can be reached with only 4 hours flight from Bali to Perth.
For Indonesian, Working in Australia also can give certain prestige and social status in the community.
So if you have the chance to work in Australia, you are considered skilled worker and lucky too.
What is the offer ?
Australia offers minimum AUD 41.850 annual gross salary or approximately 30 million Rupiah as the basic salary for most positions. In certain high level positions and in Medical Industry surely can obtain higher salary probably even reach hundred million rupiah but it also requires high qualifications.
In some rural areas, the salary can be as lower as AUD 37.665, basically the salary must comply with minimum wages in that area and must be approved by DIAC (Department of Immigration and Citizenship). Aside from salary, an employee will also be paid superannuation by the employer which is 9% of its basic salary. Superannuation it such Social Security Guarantee, which will cover for his/her pension. The superannuation can be withdrawn after he/she finishes the work contract or retired.
The fix salary will be informed on the letter of offer given by the employer along with other facilities and deduction if applicable.
What is the demand ?
For glance, Australia actually needs skilled workers mostly in mining industry and trade-works, such as carpenter, fitter, plumber etc. but because of the Global Financial Crisis, the commodities price plunge down and causes collapsed of many companies in Mining and Construction industries thus resulted a lot of people in those industries being laid off. Until the economy boost again, the vacancy in Mining and Construction Industry is almost nothing.
In hospitality Industry, the chances are still quite big but it is only for Chef and Hotel/Restaurant Manager.
The Medical industry has the highest demand and it won’t be affected by any Financial Crisis but it is also almost impossible for Indonesian to fill the demand.
Each states has its own shortage skill list, with Western Australia(Perth) has the longest list while New South Wales (Sydney) has the shortest list.
Actually in Agriculture and viticulture, the demand is extremely high, unfortunately only Pacific Islander and Nation with Working Holiday Visa agreement can fill in the demand, that is not Indonesian. For the detail list see Available Positions.
How to work in Australia ?
There are many ways to go and work in Australia as there are approximately 150 types of visa issued by DIAC. The common and possible ways for Indonesian are with the following methods :
- Dependent Visa, for rest of the family who one of the family already granted visa for work or study in Australia.
- State sponsorship visa, where there is positions in State Shortage List, anyone who has the skill and experience can directly apply for visa, and look for the job in Australia. It is required sum amount of money to stay in Australia and look for the job
- Visa 457 (Long Business Visa), the visa will be granted for any eligible applicants who has job offer from Australia employer. The cost is surely cheaper than has to stay and look for job in Australia.
- Working Holiday Visa (Visa 462), will be available from 1 July 2009. The bearer of the visa can work in all available positions, even in low positions category
Binamandiri only discusses for State Sponsorship Visa and Visa 457, as dependent visa is just complimentary visa attached to main visa which not requires further discussion.