Welcome to Australia@binamandiri
This is Binamandiri sub-domain site which provides information about working in Australia. This website is directed ONLY for Indonesia applicants who are interested to work to Australia. All information is presented in English, as “Very Good English” is mandatory to work in Australia. If you have difficulty understanding the content of the site, it just means that you need to improve your English skill before you intend to work in Australia.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Welcome to Australia@binamandiri

This is Binamandiri sub-domain site which provides information about working in Australia. This website is directed ONLY for Indonesia applicants who is interested to work to Australia. All information is presented in English, as “Very Good English” is mandatory to work in Australia. If you have difficulty understanding the content of the site, it just means that you need to improve your English skill before you intend to work in Australia. 

Many Indonesian think that Australia is Land of Opportunity and there are tons of vacancies in Horticulture-Viticulture and Farms which anyone can just come to Australia without any qualifications and English is not mandatory, for seasonal or temporary work. Well that term is absolutely WRONG !! - It is prohibited for Indonesian to work as Fruit Picker and Packer in Australia, under the new administration, foreigners who eligible to work in Horticulture-Viticulture are only :
  1. Nations with Working Holiday Visa Scheme (Indonesia until now does not have Working Visa Holiday agreement with Australia, not yet)
  2. Pacific islander such as Fiji, Vanua, Vanuatu, Samoa etc.
Working in Australia can be considered extremely hard. The minimum requirements to work in Australia are :
  1. Minimum 3 years of work experience in the same field on the position you apply for in Australia and when you apply you are not unemployed
  2. IELTS Certificates with minimum score 4,5 on general test. In some position such as Accounting and Nurse, it is mandatory to get minimum score 7 for all bands.
The hardest part will be the IELTS test, because you have to manage to have active English both writing and speaking skill. Beside the above requirements, Australia can only accept foreign workers in certain areas of works such as :
  1. Trade-Works (Plumber, Carpenter, Fitter, Steel Fabricator, etc)
  2. Health Sector
  3. Engineers
  4. Hospitality Industry ONLY for Chef and Restaurant/Hotel Manager
  5. Accounting
For more detail positions available see on Positions Menu. There are no possibility to work in Australia as Clerk, Back Office Staff or just Casual Workers, because Australia people can fill for those kind of jobs. 

As the requirement is already extremely hard, so Training both in skill and language will not be provided. Work Training such in Training Center cannot satisfy the requirements from DIAC so it must be work experience.

There are many ways to work in Australia, you can apply directly for permanent residency to DIAC in Adelaide, you can use Dependant visa or the most common is to use 457 Sub Class Visa Long Business Visa. 

Please be AWARE and PRECAUTION for any Foundation or Company or Institution who claimed can place you to work in Australia. Make sure you received clear information about the visa that you are going to use to work in Australia as there are approximately 150 types of Visa in Australia. Check the visa type that you are being offered at Australia Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) at 

I hope that our site can give clear and comprehensive information you need to work in Australia. All inquiries can only be made by email to, we don't receive any inquiries by phone.

Once again WELCOME to Australia@Binamandiri